BandwagonHost各种VPS CPU使用说明

BandwagonHost家的VPS算是国内口碑最好的便宜VPS了。国内不少人考虑到价钱及科学SS上网速度等多方面因素,最终发现BandwagonHost是最具性价比的VPS了。今天,BandwagonHost中文网就和大家说说搬瓦工各种VPS方案的CPU占用情况,让大家更好的选择BandwagonHost VPS方案。


Micro-64 Plan: 10% of 1 core
Micro-96 Plan: 13% of 1 core
Micro-128 Plan: 15% of 1 core

3G Plan: 20% of 1 core
5G Plan: 20% of 1 core
10G Plan: 25% of 1 core
20G Plan: 50% of 1 core
40G Plan: 75% of 1 core
80G Plan: 100% of 1 core
160G Plan: 100% of 1 core + 50% of 2nd core
320G Plan: 100% of 2 cores
480G Plan: 100% of 3 cores
640G Plan: 100% of 4 cores
960G Plan: 100% of 6 cores
1280G Plan: 100% of 8 cores

5G/512M Promo plan: 17% of 1 core
10G/512M Promo plan: 17% of 1 core
20G/1024M Promo plan: 25% of 1 core
30G/4G RAM Promo plan: 50% of 1 core



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